Bakewell tart, the Daring bakers June’s challenge

Vegetarian, Bento, Cuisine, Recipes, Zoé

-Baby tomatoes, crisps
-Vegetable risotto
Bakewell tart with raspberry jam

I joined the Daring bakers’s challenge as I wanted to try a little more challenging puddings and cake than my usual muffins. This month it is a typical british desert: Bakewell tart. This one is made with homemade raspberry jam. What I like about jam is not the sugary taste but the fruit taste, so there is less sugar and a bit of agar-agar to make it set.
The Bakewell tart is a pie made of jam topped with frangipane (the same filling used for the Galette des rois) made from almonds. And it was the perfect dessert to bring over to our French friends we met in Poland. It was a truly nice evening.
And just for the record, the recipe I did don’t match the challenge hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar, guess…trouble reading a recipe.

2 Responses to “Bakewell tart, the Daring bakers June’s challenge”

  1. mamapasta Says:

    bakewell tart, je ne connaissais pas, mais…frangipane j’accoure …

    • Zoé Says:

      Elle vaut vraiment le coup. J’ai tenté une version vegan avec de la confiture de lait de soja: un délice! La recette viendras dans deux semaines je pense.

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